Friday, September 4, 2020
First Article Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
First Analysis - Article Example As indicated by the article all together for the corporate division to completely actualize and grasp the CSR’s genuine significance and follow up on them, a few gatherings need to mediate and even force guidelines and severe observatory measures to guarantee this outcomes. One of these gatherings is simply the organization. The organization can have self-administrative estimates which mean relinquishing a portion of their benefits to genuinely support and act for social government assistance. This has demonstrated to be a hard choice by most enterprises however some attempt. The other is having guard dogs like the common society developments to achieve responsibility and reprimand the organizations that don't demonstration as indicated by the genuine importance of CSR. The drawback of this is most polite society need monetary assets to guarantee this guard dog job completely. At last anyway there is the administration which has the assets as well as has order to force rules and guidelines or approaches that will guarantee that the CSR job and genuine importance is satisfied by all partnerships. Karnani, Aneel. â€Å"The Case against Corporate Social Responsibility.†The Wall Street Journal, June fourteenth, 2012. Recovered from:
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Engendering violence Essay
Viciousness could happen in different manners and in various levels. It might occur as physical, sexual, verbal and mental maltreatment, and could be incurred by any individual, gatherings, establishments or countries. Whatever type of brutality is caused, it could compromise the body of the abused individual in the most perplexing manner (Jarvis, â€Å"world of the body†). The general public today isn't new with the issue of brutality. Once in a while, the media is reliably announcing occasions that are insensitive. Despite the fact that viciousness could happen among various individuals, it has been all around distinguished that the predominant instances of savagery are those that are gendered-based. Before one could completely distinguish sexual orientation based viciousness, it is a basic to explain different definitions that are focused to the zone being considered. It ought to be surely known that the use of the words sexual orientation and sex are should have been provided ID so as to completely comprehend sex based savagery. As a rule the words sexual orientation and sex are utilized then again; anyway there is a differentiation between the two words. Sex is regularly alluded to as the distinctions in the physical parts of guys and females while sexual orientation is known to be the jobs of the guys and females that are socially-endorsed. Such sexual orientation jobs are gained through the procedure of socialization (Ward, 2002 qtd in Benjamin and Murchinson 3). While the physical contrasts among male and female is tirelessly recognized to be something that is handily recognized and could be had in like manner, the sexual orientation jobs are wide range and could be found in various parts of an individual’s life and may apply in different angles, for example, access to different assets, duties that are open and private or in any event, during the time of romance. In spite of the fact that sex jobs could be modified over the long haul, it ought to be surely known that these sexual orientation jobs mirror the situation of men, ladies and youngsters in the general public (Benjamin and Murchinson 3-4). Based from these jobs, sex based viciousness could be distinguished as a type of savagery that is done to a person in understanding to the job the individual in question played inside the general public. Albeit such brutality could likewise be coordinated among men, sexual orientation based viciousness is pervasive among ladies and young ladies. The viciousness dispensed to females plans to enable progressive systems and reinforce sexual orientation imbalances (Benjamin and Murchinson 4). The term sexual orientation based savagery is currently taking another setting where in it will in general analyze and profoundly comprehend the brutality against ladies and talks about the job of sex in exacting the viciousness. The intensity of sex relations consistently place ladies in an increasingly distraught position contrasted with their male partners. Sexual orientation based savagery place ladies at a level where they have less access to assets, data, dynamic, benefits and have lesser hang on their privileges. Beside these, sexual orientation based savagery are likewise firmly identified with brutality against ladies and young ladies due to the inclusion of the possibility that ladies are the subordinate sex in the general public (UNIFEM 2-3). In different countries, ladies and young ladies are casualties of heaps of types of brutality. The majority of the instances of brutality were not done arbitrarily. The casualties turned into the objectives of the culprits on account of the explanation that they are females. Among the numerous types of brutality, sexual viciousness explicitly assault is the most generally dispensed among ladies. Every single rape are done out of animosity, in spite of the sexual orientation and age of the person in question. The essential inspiration of the attacker to complete assault isn't focused towards fulfilling a sexual want or an issue of sexual hardship from the past rather the culprit dispenses assault so as to communicate their control over someone (Groth qtd in New York City Alliance against rape, â€Å"Factsheets†). By and large of female assault the demonstration of viciousness was transcendently done by guys who all originate from financial classes, racial or other ethnic gatherings. All through the world, assault is frequently coordinated towards ladies in light of their sexual orientation, paying little mind to their age, ethnicity or political association (UNIFEM, â€Å"violence†). In the United States alone, it was accounted for that a lady is assaulted like clockwork. Just in 1995, the quantity of ladies who were assaulted or explicitly ambushed came to more than 354,670. The hazard factors for starting assault were represented early sexual experience, generalizing which incorporate the negative perspectives of guys toward females, utilization of liquor and the acknowledgment of assault legends (â€Å"American assault statistics†). Likewise, during war and common clashes sex based savagery, for example, assault and sexual maltreatment were done so as to assault the spirit of the foe including people. For other people, sexual orientation based viciousness was likewise directed as â€Å"spoils of war. †(Benjamin and Murchinson 5) During the 1994 Rwandan destruction, sexual savagery, particularly assault was coordinated or empowered by the Hutu Militia bunches so as to reinforce their objective of decimating the entire Tsutsi faction. As of right now, the brutality was coordinated towards the Tsutsi ladies because of their sex and ethnicity. Besides, the sexuality of the Tsutsi ladies was likewise respected by the Hutu’s, who were the slaughter culprits, as a medium that could be utilized by the Tsutsi people group to penetrate the network of the Hutus. As a result of this explanation, the purposeful publicity of explicitly disregarding the Tsutsi ladies got common so as to dehumanize and oppress the Tsusti people group all in all. Beside the Tsutsi ladies other Hutu ladies were additionally focused for assault by their own tribesmen on the grounds that they were related with Tsutsi men who are considered as a resistance (Norwojee, â€Å"Shattered lives†). During the contention in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Muslim ladies were assaulted and explicitly manhandled as a piece of the alleged â€Å"ethnic cleansing†for the foundation of the Greater Serbia, which is supposed to be morally unadulterated. Based on examinations, it was evaluated that more than 20,000 ladies turned into the casualties of assault and sexual maltreatment. It was additionally archived that the assault was guided among the ladies so as to force embarrassment among the people in question, their families and the network where they have a place (WomenAid International, â€Å"EC analytical mission†). Much has been expounded on the pervasiveness of assault and assault detailing among females. In any case, it was expressed prior in the investigation that sexual orientation based savagery could likewise happen among guys. On account of assault, guys are frequently dismissed about the issue due to the social setting that guys are the initiators of the sexual demonstration, or if not they are considered as the overwhelming sex and that the ladies ought to be play the compliant job (Gagnon and Simon, 1973; Schneider and Gould, 1987 qtd in Duncan and William, â€Å"Gender role,†1). In spite of this customary sexual content, male assault is likewise especially like female assault. The most widely recognized culprits of male assault are additionally guys, yet for a bigger scope, the contribution of female as assistants or culprits were likewise revealed. In 2002, it was recorded that out of eight assault casualties, one of those includes a male (RAINN, 2003 qtd in Stanford’s men against fierce gathering, â€Å"male rape†). As a general rule, male assault is one of the numerous viciousness gives that are least talked about in the general public. This is on the grounds that such issue is frequently deciphered as an expansion of the life in jail and is regularly viewed as a piece of the gay subculture (Kaufman et al. , 1980 qtd in Pino and Meier, 1). Notwithstanding, what individuals don't perceive is the way that male assault survivors incorporate gay people as well as heteros, young people, gay people and kids. Case inquire about even recommended that guys likewise experience similar responses felt by females. Close by with the sentiments of sorrow, outrage, self-fault, blame, sexual dysfunctions, powerlessness and passionate removing, male assault casualties additionally need to persevere through unsympathetic perspectives from individuals even their companions, family and colleagues (Brochman, 1991 qtd in New York City partnership against rape, â€Å"Factsheets†). In like manner, it was additionally announced that guys are bound to become survivors of various aggressors, yet the attackers could perpetrate supported physical injury and male casualties could be held as prisoners for a more drawn out timeframe contrasted with their female partners (Kaufman et al. , 1980 qtd in Pino and Meier, 1).
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Effect of Macro Economic Policy on Nigerian Economics Growth and Development
This examination work center around the evaluation of Macroeconomic Policy on Inflation in Nigerian Economy, additionally to decide how it improves the development of Nigerian Economy. The point of this examination work is to investigate difficulties and quantities of speculation were drawn. Data important to address the trial of speculation was accumulated through auxiliary information, source from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Monetary examination was utilized to detail the three (3) models that were expressed in this exploration work.Multiple relapses were additionally used to test the evaluation of Macroeconomic Policy on Inflation in Nigerian Economy. The discoveries of this examination show that large scale monetary approach as a device for Economic Policy and Growth as a Positive Effect on the Growth in Nigeria. All in all, legislature ought to guarantee that operational issues are handled preceding deal so that there would not be any obstruction ruining the high level of pro ductivity that is related with the soundness of the Nigerian economy.Over the years, Nigeria has put forth cognizant and decided attempts to accomplish a significant level of social and financial change of the economy so as to achieve the advancement objectives and including money related strategy, monetary, approach, trade control measures and pay and value control. The measures embraced were changed every now and then to mirror the changing monetary condition and conditions. This work centers around two of the strategies embraced (money related and financial approach) and inspects their utilizations for monetary development and soundness in Nigeria.Since the principle weight of total financial strategy must fall on either money related arrangement and financial arrangement or a blend of both. The inquiry emerges with regards to whether to obvious differentiation can be made between arrangements which are named â€Å"MONETARY†are those which are to be called â€Å"FISCALâ € truly significant vagueness about these terms exist and this regularly prompts futile discussion and disarray. Be that as it may, fiscal arrangement can be as a measure which manages the optional control of cash flexibly by the financial specialists with a perspective on accomplishing expressed monetary objectives.In different words, it utilizes the utilization of variety in the cash gracefully to accomplish monetary targets. Financial arrangement then again might be characterized as the approach sought after by an administration to impacted financial aspects exercises in economy by changing the size and substance of tax assessment, consumption and open obligation with the end goal of accomplishing given goal. Despite the fact that, there two approaches are free apparatuses of financial matters adjustment, they are regularly joined by most nations for a more prominent impact on the economy. Financial and Fiscal strategies as embraced in Nigeria have four expansive objectives.T he targets include:â ¬ †¢Maintenance of relative steadiness in residential value †¢Attainment of a high and feasible pace of monetary improvement †¢Maintenance of parity of installment balance development and strength are so firmly related that the financial approach o the administration ought to incorporate them two. Financial development might be decided from the development it complete yield of the economy as estimated by yearly increments in net national nudge, ct in steady cost. Such a measure discloses to us how much greater the absolute economy is turning out to be over some undefined time frame, yet it enlightens nothing concerning changes in the way of life of the individuals in the economy.The progressively huge measures in the development in genuine net national item isolated by the quantity of individuals in the populace. There are numerous objectives of financial development and improvement. They incorporate. †¢Income circulation Gross national item Sectoral improvement, (for example, agribusiness ventures and so forth) †¢The strain to accomplish financial solidness or our monetary is solid to such an extent that measures to advance central government t squirm. †¢To accomplish the most extreme practicable pace of development, d is important to have solidness. This doesn't mean a splendidly smooth pace of development, yet one that isn't hindered by downturns and misery. Adjustment arrangements that are typically discharged every year concerns endeavors to settle the degree of national salary by guaranteeing that genuine inflationary and deflationary holes don't persevere so something near full work without quick expansion can be accomplished. The administration utilizes the instruments of money related and financial strategies to impact monetary development and improvement. The instrument of money related arrangement accessible to the Nigeria financial specialists include: †¢Rediscount rate †¢Interest rate s tructure †¢Reserve prerequisite †¢Direct credit control †¢Exchange rate and †¢Moral suasionSome of the Fiscal strategies identifying with economy a development and strength in Nigeria include: charge impetuses (capital stipend, personal expense alleviation, remaking charge exclusion and so on help from import obligations, taxes measures and budgetary measures. The administration utilizes the instruments in accomplishing monetary development and soundness. 1. 2STATEMENT OF PROBLEM This investigation is essentially focused on - Has there been exertion to examine the money related and monetary approaches utilized by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in accomplishing financial development and strength. - The capacity to get to the viability of financial and monetary strategies. Has there been proposal to address watched botch by (CBN). Whenever done, this will empower the money related specialists to utilize different financial and monetary instruments available to t hem for quick financial development and soundness. 1. 3AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The general point of this investigation is to look at the genuine issue of macroeconomic approach in Nigeria and propose some adjustment arrangements. While explicit destinations are: 1. To contemplate the money related and monetary strategies; utilized by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in accomplishing financial development and strength. 2.To asses the adequacy of money related and monetary strategies 3. To commit suggestion to address watched error by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) this will empower the money related specialists to utilize the different financial and monetary device available to them for fast financial development and soundness. 1. 4RESEARCH QUESTION Can money related and monetary approach be utilized as a device to accomplish financial development? Could money related and financial approach survey the viability of fiscal and credit strategies? Does the arrangements of the Central Bank helpful to accomplish quick monetary development and solidness? 1. 5THE STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESISHYPOTHESIS 1 Ho-The money related and monetary strategy, doesn't accomplish financial development and solidness. HA-The money related and financial strategy accomplish monetary development and security. Theory 2 Ho-The viability of money related and credit strategies couldn't be evaluate utilizing the financial an I monetary strategy. HA-The survey of adequacy of money related and credit strategies will accomplish utilizing financial and monetary approach. Theory 3. Ho-The watched botch remedied by CBN couldn't be use to achieve financial development and detail lily. HA-Will address the CBN from watched botch in order to accomplish fast financial development and dependability. 1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The examination work will utilize optional information got from different organization and distribution. The information will be acquired from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Feder al Office of Statistics (FOS), different distributions from nearby and entomb discerning diary. The exploration work would be tried utilizing relapse investigation particularly customary last square strategy will be utilized in development the model. 1. 7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY It is trust that this exploration work will be for all intents and purposes and hypothetical critical to the family unit, firm and government and for the improvement of the entire economy.There is no uncertainty that this investigation will profit quit various individuals particularly units included. 1. 8 THE SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF STUDY This investigation large scale financial apparatuses measure under the time of Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) and mid seventy's (70's) (1978-2006) likewise in looking at our compelling and proficient the full scale monetary instruments measures have change in the economy s nee 1970's just the exercises of business, vendor, uncommon banks and national bank will be uti lized. This will be done through investigating the budgetary markers in the economy. - The quantity of banks in activity Money stock in the economy Growth of credit allotment Banks advance and advances Growth of bank advances and advances Average loan cost (%) A detail of this is in the date examination which ought to be treated in further investigation. A large portion of the data and information utilized was gathered for the most part from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) through their yearly reports bulleting and proclamation of record. This examination will be done only corresponding to the Nigeria economy. This examination as exhaustive as conceivable with the exception of certain limitations experienced over the span of study.There was an issue of time limit for the consummation of the work. The pull together and riotous scholarly projects which concurs with tests and time of the examination or research was obstacle. Insufficiency of information was likewise significant requireme nt different restrictions of the investigation are timeframe under examination and absence of current year information. 1. 9ORGANISATION OF THE STUDY The task is organized into five sections: Chapter One managed the presentation which incorporates brief depiction of Nigerian Economy, Area of merger in the economy, Relevant and Significance of the investigation, Definition of terms, Scope and Limitations.Chapter Two is for the most part the Literature Review and Theoretical Frame Work of the examination, the importance and meaning of Merger, intentions of Merger and Acquisition, Merger game and the impact on the economy. Part Three dependent on the examination technique this incorporate strategy for information assortment, theory to be tried and the measurable instruments that are to be utilized. Section Four managed the examination philosophy, information readiness and investigation. Section Five is the Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion of t
buy custom A Computer Virus essay
purchase custom A Computer Virus exposition A PC infection can be characterized as a product program that spreads from one PC to the next and it meddles with the ordinary register activity. It can likewise degenerate or erase information from the PC. PC infections can be masks in type of clever pictures, sound or video records or in any event, welcoming cards. They additionally spread through downloads on the web. To help maintain a strategic distance from PC infections, it is fundamental to keep your PC with refreshed antivirus apparatuses. One ought to likewise know about the ongoing dangers and the PC ought to be run as a standard client other than an executive. There are three fundamental kinds of PC infections. These incorporate; the Trojan pony, worms and the email infections. Trojan pony infection is an infection seems like a program, which seems to have a reason yet in genuine sense, it has a totally different reason. It can show up in type of an image document yet ones you open it, you will have released the harming program on your PC. Trojan pony infections don't duplicate yet they spread consequently. The worms then again will influence any devise with a security defect and one that is organized. It will reproduce without anyone else utilizing the security blemish in your PC. A duplicate of the worm gets to another PC with a comparative security imperfection. The procedure will proceed and this is the means by which the worms are spread. The email infections utilize the email for their transportation. They are anyway like the other PC infections. Some PC infections are progressively hazardous in that once they get into a PC; they duplicate and send the duplicates to the email address book. There are a few signs that your PC has infection. The PC turns out to be delayed than expected, it quits reacting and it could much of the time lock up. Your PC should crash and afterward it restarts all alone. The PC can likewise restart all alone because of infections. You will most likely be unable to get to your drives including the hard circle. The typical printing becomes mutilated and uncommon blunder messages will continue showing up. The exchange box and the menus could likewise get misshaped. What's more, the current antivirus program can be impaired or you may discover challenges in running it. It can likewise get hard to introduce an antivirus program. Infections could likewise make your PC to create some startling sounds. Projects will likewise vanish when they were not expected to (Graham, 2006, p. 65). An antivirus is utilized to forestall, expel and identify infection. A few procedures are utilized for the antivirus to play out its motivation. Here is mark recognition that includes looking for the infections. It is essential to get think about different antivirus items in the market since they don't all work the equivalent. The advantages of an introducing an antivirus in your PC are clear given the impacts of antivirus to your PC. The expense of the PC delayed down are intolerable yet fortunately, we have present day antivirus programming in the market that are of improved insurance given the cutting edge innovation. Todays present day antivirus programming doesn't require a lot of upkeep from you. Much the same as some other item in the market, antivirus are not the equivalent and they all having their great and terrible side. It is hence imperative to think about various programming projects before buying one for it to much your needs. The convenience and adequacy of an antivirus can either represent the moment of truth the antivirus programming. We have the top positioned antivirus programming that is easy to understand and they offer ideal security. The different antiviru programming projects originate from various suppliers. The purchaser ought to think about the extent of assurance. Some antivirus give 360 degree barrier, multi layered insurance or 100% security and certainly some subterranean insect infections are superior to other people. The best antivirus ought to give arrangements on infections, Trojans and worms just as security against spyware, email borne dangers, root packs and key lumberjacks. Despite the fact that they can't give absolute insurance against dangers, antivirus ought to ensure the PCs against numerous dangers as could be expected under the circumstances. The antivirus ought to be viable. The antivirus is normally intended to ensure the PC, so on the off chance that it doesn't, it hence gets futile. The aftereffects of an antivirus are checked utilizing the business standard security programming analyzers. These are associations of expert security. They help to locate the best programming in the market. The analyzers help assess the general adequacy of the antivirus programming. The best antiviruses programs, as far as viability are positioned as underneath with their costs are positioned as follows. Value list NAME OF THE ANTIVIRUS Cost 1. Bit protector Antivirus $ 29.95 2. Kaspersky Antivirus $ 59.95 3. Web root Antivirus $ 39.95 4. Norton Antivirus $ 39.99 5. Esset Nod 32 Antivirus $39.99 6. AVG Antivirus $ 34.99 7. G DATA Antivirus $ 29.95 8. Avira Antivirus $ 23.49 9. Vipre Antivirus $29.95 10. Pattern Micro Titanium Antivirus $ 39.95 The antivirus programming purchased ought to be anything but difficult to introduce. Introducing ought not be an errand. When you have introduced the product, it should offer insurance to your PC right away. The way toward introducing when all is said in done terms ought to be simple. Once introduced, the main filtering and the execution of the antivirus ought to be a simple assignment. Despite the fact that the antivirus programming is unpredictable, it doesn't require security degree. The product ought not require support sometimes and it should be adaptable enough to do what you need it to do. The antivirus ought to be forward-thinking in light of the fact that new infections are being found each now annd then in the mark database. In any case, the advanced antivirus programming refreshes itself consequently and they update quick with the goal that your PC doesn't hinder your framework. The security suppliers can a well push the updates to your PC straightforwardly when they are accessible. Some antivirus can examine sent and got messages just as opened documents. The product doesn't change the capacity of the host programming to transmit infections. The product must be refreshed consistently to stay up with the latest so as to identify the most recent dangers. To forestall infections from influencing your PC, it is fitting not to open any abnormal documents in your PC. On the off chance that you distinguish something strange, it is prudent to run your refreshed antivirus. It is likewise essential to filter your outer gadgets like the blaze plates before embeddings them into your PC (Szor, 2007, p. 75). It is imperative to note, before buying an antivirus, that the best programming doesn't require perusing the manual inside and out to have the option to utilize it. Be that as it may, it must have a manual. Item support is given online by the makers if there should be an occurrence of investigating, explicit inquiries or some other extra assistance. Taking everything into account, the antivirus to be purchased ought to be productive, successful, and simple to utilize. Freeware is programming that is accessible for use at no expense. Be that as it may, it has certain limitations regarding use rights. The rights to duplicate, alter, convey or make determination of the product. A genuine case of a freeware is Firefox. The permit may likewise limit the kind of utilization of the product for instance, non-business use, scholastic use, military use and a few different limitations. The product permit can likewise force limitations, for example, confined use on a server, limited use over a system among others. Numerous freeware items are given by business designers who give different items propelled highlights, however explicitly available to be purchased. Freeware is treated as a limited time item. BBEdit and Text Wrangler are instances of freeware. Since freeware can't rely totally upon business advancement, the web turns into the best hotspot for freeware data. There are additionally a few papers or PC magazines giving rating to freeware. They contain data on freeware rating just as minimized circles and other stockpiling devises containing the freeware. It is conceivable to run a business antivirus without truly paying for it. This is conceivable in light of the fact that most antivirus organizations are offering test antivirus renditions. These renditions are generally tried for 30 or even 90 days. Here, you should introduce an enemy of infection at regular intervals or 90 days depending with the time for testing. You should get the most solid preliminary renditions for effectiveness purposes. Instances of these preliminaries are Norton and MacAfee antivirus. It is prudent to run your antivirus programming in experimental mode. This mode gives you a superior opportunity to evacuate infections, Trojans, malware and different pernicious projects. Experimental mode helps follow a few PC issues that couldn't be recognized utilizing the standard mode. It keeps the vindictive instruments from stacking while at the same time firing up. The antiviruses have certain mishaps in that it can disable the presentation of the PC. Clients who are not experienced enough could have a difficult understanding or in any event, utilizing the antivirus. Inaccurate utilization of antivirus may prompt penetrate of security. A road for assault is likewise made since the PC antivirus achievement relies upon accomplishing either the bogus positive or the bogus negatives while utilizing heuristic identification. Purchase custom A Computer Virus paper
Saturday, July 11, 2020
What Are Some Topics For the Accuplacer Essay Software?
What Are Some Topics For the Accuplacer Essay Software?The Accuplacer Essay software is a very nice piece of technology and helps in increasing your writing abilities dramatically. In fact, it can make you a much better writer, than by using your own hand at the same time.However, do not let that thought stop you from reading more about the product. There are other topics for the Accuplacer Essay software.The Accuplacer Essay software has a series of methods which will help you become a more creative and competent writer. And you need to make certain that you know about these methods. Most importantly, they must work in your favor and be able to fit your personality and the style of writing that you prefer.First of all, you need to learn how to write. What you need to remember is that the more you write the more you learn about how to express yourself. This is by far the most important part, as you cannot expect to express yourself effectively, if you are unable to even start your se ntences and paragraphs correctly.Secondly, you need to learn a simple combination of parts, which will help you construct sentences. By learning this simple combination, you can even improve your ability to start sentences and paragraphs. The Accuplacer Essay software has a lot of editing features, which will help you make your essay easier to read.Thirdly, you should also learn the art of penmanship, which is the combination of grammar and transcription, along with the use of the cuneiform tablet. This form of writing is not an easy thing to master. It requires you to be able to combine all these elements together.And this combination is not inimitable language. It is a mixture of all those elements and becomes something very pleasing to read. This can be learned by simply reading other people's essays in general.Also, you can learn by making use of one of the software designed to teach you how to become a great writer. Whatever course you take, the goal is to improve your skills i n English writing and make you able to excel in the field.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
D.O.P.E Chic Apparel Business Plan Essay - 825 Words
D.O.P.E Chic Apparel Business Plan (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Professor: Course:Date:D.O.P.E Chic Apparel Business PlanIntroductionBackground D.O.P.E Chic is in essence an exciting unisex apparel as well as accessory line operated by Brittany Nicholson-Pickens. Vision/Mission The company is committed towards ensuring that individuals are able to stand up for their own and showcase their lucrative abilities to others through adoption of unique product line. Most interestingly, D.O.P.E Chic Apparel Business aims at enriching the surrounding community, through mentoring young girls, feeding the homeless, and ensures that people come together in a more positive way.Objectives The business objective is to develop the company that is an expert in the apparel marketplace. The new product line is still at its infancy stage in the company, and therefore D.O.P.E. Chic Apparel has to adequately establish itself as a thriving leader in the new market niche. Through the following:Introduce latest products and services at more affordabl e prices Implement new strategies while keeping in mind the fluctuating consumer demands of the cultural beauty industry Diversify services to cater for women and men alsoProduct Description Chic Apparel is a unique product line involving a wide range of unisex attire and accessories with demarcations written D.O.P.E. This includes clothes wear and other eye catching spotlight items such as; Goddess Ring, Comic Earrings, and Dope Crewneck from Candy Collection. All the aforementioned items grant one the rare opportunity to be different from the rest through fashion. Analysis of the Potential The analysis of its potential market trends can be given through a critical SWOT analysis as discussed below.Strengths An effective relationship between the company and its customers is a critical pillar in the development of the business. Besides, new and flexible services at affordable prices provide the company with an exceptional strength. Weaknesses Due to increased number of customers s treaming into the company, customer service center is overloaded and for that reason, one customer is served over s long period of time. Opportunities Increased TV coverage for its products and services offers the company a thriving opportunity to showcase its apparel and accessories. Most importantly, the company has partnerships with other companies. Threats Competitors lowering prices, increased income tax by the government and the technical movement of textile industry poses a significant threat in terms of cost. Competition analysis The American Apparel business has been overcrowded to an extent that companies have been forced to reduce the cost of products and services greatly (Kurtz, David , Louis 285). This has been fostered by new entrants in the unisex textile industry thus increasing competition for customers. Strangely enough, some sportswear companies such as NIKE have entered into the unisex apparel market thus piling more pressure in upcoming apparels in terms of completion. Moreover, there is internal competition between D.O.P.E apparels and accessories.Marketing StrategySegmentation The company has several strategies that ensures that it divides its market demographically, geographically, psycho graphically, and behaviorally. However, its main market segment is based upon gender and age. It is crucial to note that, D.O.P.E Chic Apparel targets members of the public both nationally and internationally by virtue of its good image globally. Market mix For the company to experience high returns from its products and services, the following strategies will be adopted:Product strategy: Products need to meet the diverse consumer demands for them to be economically viable. For this reason, the company anticipates to increase the quality and flexibility of products sold. Pricing strategy: Prices influence the marketability of products sold (Berends, William 43). In this regard, the company will utilize objective pricing models that are affordabl e while delivering a reasonable amount of profit. Entirely, prices will be attractive as stipulated in its product menu. In order to appreciate customers, a discount of between 3% - 5% shall be given on some special commodities.Place strategy: The Company is located on a strategic place. However, to increase the marketability of products outlet shops will be opened in strategic places within other urban centers. Promotion strategy: the Human Resource manager of the Company will work in partnership with other agencies such as the ICT sector in order to enhance public relations. Management Team The management team will involve high profile individu...
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Indigenous And Non Indigenous Of The Baseball Team, The...
Introduction Media, in its many forms, controls how individuals learn about different issues going on around the world. Many of these media outlets tend to have some sort of bias to lead the individual to be either for or against the issue at hand. This essay will discuss how Indigenous peoples are portrayed in the media, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, and compare how these different sources portray Indigenous people. This essay will focus on one topic that has surfaced recently, the court case regarding the use of the name and logo of the major league baseball team, the Cleveland Indians. This case has been brought into focus by an Indigenous architect, Douglas Cardinal. Cardinal finds the name and symbol of the team, a character with red skin wearing a feather headband, to be offensive to the Indigenous people and is seeking legal aid to ban the logo and regular season jerseys from being used at Blue Jays games. Indigenous Media The first Indigenous media source was an article from titled, â€Å"Indigenous architect Douglas Cardinal in Ontario court trying to ban Cleveland’s baseball team name†. This was a very short article, outlining the facts of the court case as well as a brief description of Cardinal. This article also mentioned others who refused to use the team’s name including Jerry Howarth, a sports announcer. The second Indigenous source was an article from, entitled, â€Å"Activist seeks injunction against use of ‘Cleveland Indians’Show MoreRelatedThe Toronto Blue Jays And The City1918 Words  | 8 PagesOctober 14th, 2016 was an exciting day for baseball fans in Toronto, Ontario. The Toronto Blue Jays and the city prepared to face off against Cleveland in the American League Championship Series. Catch anything out of sorts about that last sentence (specifically relating to the teams)? Read it one more time. Th e full name of the team the Cleveland Indians was purposefully left out. Selective vocabulary like this is also used by the Blue Jay’s play-by-play announcer Jerry Howarth. Howarth’s protestRead More The Persecution of Indigenous People Essay2348 Words  | 10 PagesThe Persecution of Indigenous People On October 12, 1492, a European by the name of Christopher Columbus arrived on an island of the Americas. However, he and his shipmates were not the first people to step foot on the land of the Americas. Long before Columbus, the Native Americans were the original populace of the land. Despite their seniority over the land, the Native Americans were feared and persecuted by the white settlers because of their many unusual appearances and atypicalRead MoreSummary Article Nikes Dispute with the University of Oregon9247 Words  | 37 Pagespublicly-traded company is a company that has permission to offer its registered securities for sale to the general public, typically through a stock exchange, or occasionally a company whose stock is traded over the counter via market makers who use non-exchange quotation services.-Securities... sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. The company is headquartered in Beaverton Beaverton, Oregon Beaverton is a city in Washington County, Oregon, United States, seven miles westRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 PagesELEVENTH EDITION MARKETING MISTAKES AND SUCCESSES 30TH ANNIVERSARY Robert F. Hartley Cleveland State University JOHN WILEY SONS, INC. VICE PRESIDENT PUBLISHER EXECUTIVE EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER PRODUCTION ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE MARKETING MANAGER ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER MARKETING ASSISTANT DESIGN DIRECTOR SENIOR DESIGNER SENIOR MEDIA EDITOR George Hoffman Lise Johnson Carissa Doshi Dorothy Sinclair Matt Winslow Amy Scholz Carly DeCandia Read MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesLeadership skills G.1 Project leadership 10.1 Stakeholder management Chapter 11 Teams Chapter 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 2.4.1 Organization cultures [G.7] 2.4.2 Organization structure [9.1.3] 9.1.1 Organization charts 1.4.4 Project offices Chapter 4 9.2 Building the team (.1.3) [3.5.3] [App G.2 Building teams] 9.4 Managing the team 9.3.2 Team building activities 9.2.4 Virtual teams Team performance [] Conflict management Recognition and awards
Monday, May 18, 2020
Welfare to Work Does It Really Benefit Single Parents Essay
Welfare to Work: Does It Really Benefit Single Parents? When President Clinton signed the Personal Responsible Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act in August of 1996, it ended welfare as we know it. Under this reform, wages and earnings replaced welfare, but many critics felt only problems arose from this program. Welfare to work forces poor and single parents into jobs that do not supply sufficient living wages (Albelda 1). These single parents can never work enough hours to support their families because the jobs are often inflexible which is not a match for a single parent. Chances are employers who hire low wage workers do not want workers to come in late because there was no child care or miss days because the child was sick.†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, workers employed as low wage workers tend to receive very minimum training. The parents in turn are not ready for the labor market if they wanted a more permanent and steady job. On the other hand, welfare to work may be working because when Clinton signed the welfare reform bill in 1996, his goal was 10,000 new federal hires, but the federal Office of Personnel Management reports that as of January 2001, 50,827 former welfare recipients have found work (Doherty 1). Single parents are now receiving earnings and it does not seem as if they are getting hand outs?anymore. Our society greatly values paid work, so single parents are building up their moral. These parents may even feel I am?worth something in society because I am earning my living as opposed to receiving hand outs.?Working also allows for economic security and financial independence. Under this new bill, the once ever-growing number of recipients on welfare is rapidly decreasing. For example, a Job Center in Los Angeles had 9,100 families on welfare and it has decreased by fort percent. Currently, the rate is falling by 6,000 recipients a day. (Haskins 3). James D. VanErden, vice president of the National Alliance of Business, de clares this law has changed the outlook for the welfare population?by instilling in them an expectation of work, but it also has been a boon for business?(Miller 2).Show MoreRelatedWelfare Reform : The Welfare System1367 Words  | 6 PagesWelfare Reform What would happen if the government made changes to the welfare system? There are approximately 110,489,000 of Americans on welfare. Many people benefit from what the system has to offer: food stamps, housing, health insurance, day care, and unemployment. Taxpayers often argue that the individuals who benefit from the system, abuse the system; however, this is not entirely true. Many of the people who receive benefits really and truly need the help. Even though some people believeRead MoreIts Hard Being a Single Dad in America1494 Words  | 6 PagesIt’s hard being a single dad in America An Annotated Bibliography Morin, Amanda. Fathers Raising Daughters: The Unique Challenges of Single Fatherhood. | An Education amp; Child Development Site for Parents | Parenting amp; Educational Resource. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2013. According to the U.S. Census most recent information, there are approximately 13 million children living in single-parent households. That in itself isnt all that surprising, but heres something that is:Read MoreEssay about The Changing of American Families1050 Words  | 5 PagesBunch were the ideal families in the 1960s and 1970s, and in the 80s, it was Family Ties. When the 1990s approached us, television shows took on a whole new outlook on American Families. There were shows such as Full House, which was about a single father raising three daughters with the help of his brother-in-law and his best friend. Roseanne was also another show that showed the dysfunctional side of families. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Educated Are Students Who Attended American Public...
How adequately educated are students who attended American public schools? How much ethnic and cultural diversity is there in the American careers? Do wealthy middle and upper class children have an advantage to receive more opportunities than those who have a lower socioeconomic background? Millions of people built mistrust toward â€Å"American Dream†because they did not achieve what they were expecting in life. A lot of people want more money from their jobs or want to win the lottery for their materialistic needs. Instead of trying to be happy about what they have and cherishing everyday like it is their last. America is the land of opportunities so people from different countries come to fulfill their own dreams. Also, immigrants come to America just to live a better life and to not be discriminated because of their nationalities, ethic, beliefs, or cultures. But racism is the root of all evil in our country; the way Americans treat other races that is not the same as ou r own, they humiliate, and torment them. By doing people wrongful ways they have created the death of the American Dream because lots of people have lost faith or perhaps never really believed. Racism stop the American Dream, the history of racism has hunted their dreams and still lives today. Where the American Dream originated from? Is it still being pursued? How it is expressed in different ways though Dr. King, movies or rags to riches? The American Dream originated during the Great Depression whileShow MoreRelatedThe Experience Of African Americans And Native Americans With School1469 Words  | 6 PagesThe Experience of African-Americans and Native Americans With School Within the history of America, we’ve had discrimination and different approaches to how we interact with the other ethnic group, and how these ethic group were educated within our country. 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Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 - 1858 Words
Each individual finds his unique place in the world by going through a journey of self-discovery. One who cannot surmount the tests and trials faces the possibility of not completing the cycle, and will be labeled a tragic hero. A hero rises as a master of two worlds when he utilizes the help of mentors and disregards the hindrances placed by other characters and the unknown world. The typical hero in literature is depicted as the one who conquers all, faces what no other dares to, and fights to make good triumph over evil. Ray Bradbury presents the fictional story, Fahrenheit 451, of such an individual, whose perspective opens up another world previously hidden from him. The story exhibits turning points in Guy Montag’s journey and gives†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed†(Bradbury 3). If Montag felt the slightest amount of emotion, he would display sympathy towards the authors’ whose work was being disintegrated into thin air. He begins his journey without emotion, but he is reminded of feelings such as love by a call to adventure from the magically depicted girl, Clarisse. While speaking with her, he is reminded of an event that depicts light as a creative, peaceful symbol: â€Å"One time, as a child, in a power failure, his mother had found and lit a last candle and there had been a brief hour of rediscovery, of such illumination that space lost its vast dimensions and drew comfortably around them, and they, mother and son, alone, transformed, hoping that the power might not come on again too soon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Bradbury 7). Clarisse makes Montag question his perspective and reminds him ever so slightly of the feeling of love; however, despite her insight, Montag continues to follow the status quo of disregarding books as nonsense. Only when Montag experiences the love and passion the Unidentified Old Woman had for her books does he have a spark of curiosity. â€Å"The woman’s hand twitched on the single
Organizational Inducements and Psychologicalâ€
Question: Discuss about the Organizational Inducements and Psychological Resilience. Answer: Introduction The following report is based on organizational behavior. It is observed that organizational behavior is related to different aspects of the business. As the industries have become competitive, the organizations have to focus on dynamics of the environment, as the competition come from the industry dynamics. An organizational environment is built of different aspects such as human resource, employee performance, productivity and many more. As put forward by Uddin, Luva and Hossain (2012), organizational behavior is the activity of both group as well as individual performance within the organization. In this context, Sageer, Rafat and Agarwal (2012) also commented that organizational behavior is also related to the human behavior in organizational setting, the interface between human behavior and the organization. These aspects have strong impact on the organizational productivity, employee performance and business growth. However, to learn how organizational behavior does influence t he productivity and operation, three separated journals on organizational behavior have been selected. The similarities and dissimilarities of these three articles have been discussed in the report. Based on the findings, integrated interpretation has been provided in the report. The first article is about the relationships of organizational inducements and psychological resilience to employees' attitudes and behaviors toward organizational change This study has been conducted considering the telecommunication sector in Bangladesh. Another article is about the identification of variables affecting employee satisfaction and its impact on the organization. Likewise, the last article is about whether commitment based resource practices influence job embeddedness as well as intention to leave. Each of the articles has provided different outcomes related to organizational productivity, employee satisfaction and human resource Management. Similarities among the three articles Theoretical perspective of the first article- As this article is about relationships of organizational inducements and psychological resilience to employees' attitudes and behaviors toward organizational change. It is observed that employees while working in the midst of organizational change observe inherent stress as well as strain. It is significant that change executors understand the crucial role that major resources play in enabling individuals to deal with these challenges and stresses. It makes the employees highly committed to, and behaviorally engaged in, change implementation. The theory of conversion resource provides conceptual description of the role that resource play in collaborating individuals reaction to organizational change. As mentioned by Shin, Taylor and Seo 2012), the employees tend to consider the world as naturally threatening as well as demanding; thus, they carry a wide set of individual strength as well as social attachment to survive. To respond to the changing environment, the individuals attempt to obtain, retain as well as promote valued entities. Theoretical perspective of second article-This article is about the impact of human resource on organizational outcome. Observation of the relationship between HRM as well as organizational result remains as one of the long-standing goals of macro Human Resource Management studies. Jiang et al. (2012) considered the organizational outcome is considered as multi-dimensional. Based on the theoretical perspectives, it can also be added that strategic human resources management have several categories such as HR outcome, the outcome of operation as well as the financial outcome. Theoretical perspective of third article- This article is about the impact of high performance HRM practices on Employee Attitudes and behaviour. Based on the theoretical perspective of the article, it can be added that rational procedure of mutually reinforcing HR practices probably to develop the support and sustainable performance result than any other individual practices. In addition, theoretical background also helps to learn that not all HR practices remain as equally effective. Even though, some particular HRM practise involved high-performance, the HR systems differed across studies. This article also discusses about the employee commitment, which is a major key world of second article. Theatrical background All of the three articles include discussion about the relationship between the human resource Management and the organizational outcome, which in turn influence the employee performance. The methods of first article-This article include a longitudinal survey design implemented with a particular sample of employees as well as the managers from an Information Technology company in located South Korea. The study sample involves 344 employees and 48 managers of the company who work in a 16 different divisions. Methods of second article- To conduct the study, the authors have examined the mediating hypotheses using a meta-analytic structural equation modelling. The authors have used PsycINFO and Quest Digital Dissertation data set. Methods of third article:- To gain the research result, the study includes a primary analysis. In order to collect the primary data, employees of a food service organization have been involved in the survey. The directors were also involved to administer the survey to randomly chosen group of 20% of the employees in the overall unit. Research result and interpretation of first article- The result of first article is based on the impact of organizational inducements as well as psychological resilience, which includes both affective and normative commitment. Likewise, the hypothesis helps to learn that the positive effect could mediate the relationship between organizational inducement and employees normative and affective commitment. Research result and interpretation of second article- Based on the meta-analytic review, it is found that three dimension of HR systems have different relationship along with employee motivation and human capital. These are largely related to the operational result as well as voluntary turnover. The study also discovered a direct relationship between skill-enhanced HR practices, financial outcome as well as motivation-enhanced HR practices. Research result and interpretation of third article- The research results supports authors prediction that employees collective perception of high performance HR practices are related to organizational citizenship behaviour, affective commitment as well as intention to stay in the organization. In addition, it is negatively related to absenteeism. Differences among the three articles- Theoretical perspective- Because of the subjective nature of culture, it can be difficult to define the specification of organizational culture. Even though no theory has been accepted, a genera consent comes regarding organizational inducements and Resources influence employees commitment comes into the consideration. The theoretical perspective of the article is different from others two articles. This theoretical background of this article does not cover perception of high performance and commitment, which are the central idea of second article. Theoretical perspective of second article-This article only focussed on the HRM as well as organizational outcome. The critical discussion of the article only highlights relationship between the organizational outcome and HRM practices. This study emphasizes on the fact that different HR practices should be applied to achieve the organizational goals. The organizational culture does not consist of one single entity of human resource Management. Theoretical perspective of third article- Even though, the perspective of human resource and organizational productivity differ in this article, the theoretical discussion has mentioned that if the employees are satisfied with the organizational benefits, the organisational productivity could be positively influenced. Thus, perspectives help to learn that organizational productivity and efficiency can be achieved through employee satisfaction and focus to employees emotional and physical needs. Even though the critical discussion of three articles have used same or equivalent key words, but emphasis one each key word is different in each article. The major focus of first article is on the organizational encouragement and psychological resilience to employees behaviour but it partially focuses on the employee commitment that is influenced by human resource management practices. The methods of first article: -Unlike other article, this article has used a broad sample to conduct the longitudinal survey. The sample included 344 employees and 48 managers, whereas the second article has only used the secondary method. The methods of second article:- Unlike the first article, this study is based on the secondary analysis. For HRM, the study has used some particular key words such as high work performance, high involvement work practice and high commitment work practices. The methods of third article- The method of this article is little different from other two articles. The study includes a primary analysis engaging 20% of employees of the company who work in 56 self-contained business units. Differences in research result and interpretation of first article: The result of the study confirm that different attribute of organizational culture has different impact on the overall operation. However, unlike the second article it does not focus on the impact of any particular attribute. Nevertheless, it shows the relationship between the cultural and performance. Differences in research result and interpretation of second article: This study has only derived the outcome of commitment based human resource management, on the job embeddedness, and off the job embeddedness. However, this study does not focus on other attribute of organizational culture. Differences in research result and interpretation of third article: This article has developed the outcome regarding different variables that have strong impact on the employee satisfaction. The result of the study indicates that employee satisfaction could largely influence the organizational productivity. Nevertheless, no result related to HRM practice and organizational culture has been found. Based on the methodology, theoretical perspectives and result, it can mentioned that none of the study has been competitive. Even though articles have included a primary analysis but articles have only conducted the survey and interview respectively. Although, the first article has conducted the interview among different level of employees but it did not include a secondary analysis or competitive analysis considering two organizations. The third article only includes a primary analysis and it does not focus on any particular context or organization. The first article has only included IT company of South Korea but the result of the analysis would have been more intensive if a comparative study was conducted. In addition, the authors of the first article should have focused on another organization from the same industry or different industry. The findings of the study would differ if the organizations were taken from different industry. In addition to this, the second article only fo cuses on the variables of commitment based human resource practices. As the outcome is related to employee satisfaction, skills and talents, recruitment and selection procedures should have been added in the article. Likewise, the last article provides the general discussion of employee satisfaction and productivity. The effectiveness of this study can be increased conducting an empirical analysis. Integration of the information contained in the three articles- The findings and result of three articles are based on three different contexts. The first paper has discussed about different cultural aspects of the organization and demonstrated the significant relationship between the organizational culture and performance. Hence, the authors linked the organizational performance to employee performance. This means organizational productivity is directly depended on the performance of the employees. This finding is related to third article, where organizational productivity has been linked with the performance of the employees. Thus, to increase the organizational performance, employee emotional and physical needs have been considered as the significant factors. However, the employee emotional and physical needs are again is related to the commitment based on human resource management practice. In the third article, the effectiveness of employee commitment has been discussed focusing on employee basic needs such as wages, bonus, career developmen t opportunities and other intangible benefits. However, Kehoe and Wright (2013) commented that organization provides the benefits to employees based on their reinforcement of commitment. This means the commitment based HRM practices facilitate in developing the fit dimension of the job embeddedness by choosing people who effectively fit with the organizations instead of the particular job requirement. The integrated interpretation of the three articles increases the effectiveness of the discussion. The integrated interpretation includes the idea of conducting a competitive analysis considering two different organizations from different industries. To gain the intensive outcome from the interpretation, both qualitative and quantitative approaches of data collection need to be added. Both the managers and the employees of each department of both organizations should be surveyed and interviewed to derive the factual data on organizational productivity and employee performance. Likewise, the study should include a secondary analysis considering a number of existing journals on employee commitment, performance and organizational productivity. Thus, with this integrated interpretation, a sophisticated as well as extensive nature can be established in the paper, which could further add value to the organizations examining disciplines with intensive perceptions. Conclusion On the completion of the report, it can be added that three articles have been conducted on different context with different perspectives. However, definitions and theories related to organizational behavior discussed in the article are similar to each other. Based on the discussion of three articles it can also be added that employee behavior or attitudes characteristically reflect the moral of the organization. For example, in the area of customer service, the organizations need happy and satisfied employees as they could represent firm to the public. Thereby, each organization should form strategies that reinforce the work environment. Reference Article 1- Shin, J., Taylor, M.S. and Seo, M.G., 2012. Resources for change: The relationships of organizational inducements and psychological resilience to employees' attitudes and behaviors toward organizational change.Academy of Management Journal,55(3), pp.727-748. Article 2- Jiang, K., Lepak, D.P., Hu, J. and Baer, J.C., 2012. How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms.Academy of management Journal,55(6), pp.1264-1294. Article 3- Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of management,39(2), pp.366-391.
Positive Behavior Definition and Illustrations Essay Example For Students
Positive Behavior: Definition and Illustrations Essay Outline1 DEFINITION 2 ILLUSTRATIONS OF POSITIVE BEHAVIOR3 EFFECTIVENESS OF POSITIVE BEHAVIOR4 EFFECTIVENESS OF POSITIVE BEHAVIOR DEFINITION Behavior that tends to satisfy the desires of the respondent is posi tive behavior. It will become apparent that by this definition some positive behavior may lead to antisocial (so called â€Å"negative†) responses and hence is not recommended. Further more, some behavior that is itself socially acceptable and apparently positive is not, by this definition, actually positive because it docs not tend to satisfy the desires of the re spondent. The reverse is also true: some behavior that is socially not ac ceptable and apparently negative is yet actually positive because it oper ates to satisfy the desires of the re cipient. These propositions and illus trations of them arc to be considered in the following paragraphs, the inten tion being to provide basic under- standings and specific applications of positive behavior. ILLUSTRATIONS OF POSITIVE BEHAVIOR Actions that can be classified under the following headings are custom arily called positive: showing interest, agreeing, making balanced criticisms, approving, showing affection, co-oper ating, protecting, praising, under standing, and forgiving.1 All these are alike in one respect: they take into account the other fellows wants and enhance his realization of them. Let us examine a few illustrations to clari fy this point. Four high-school Seniors were be ginning to discuss the Junior play after the first performance. John said, â€Å"They were very amateurish and corny, dont you think?†The re sponses were as follows: Evelyn: They sure were! Jim: I don’t think so. I think they were O.K. John (to Jim): Whaddayuh mean, O.K.! Helen: They were amateurish, all right; but maybe they’ll be better tomorrow night. Come to think of it, we were pretty awful last year oureelves. Joiin: Oh, I guess we weren’t so hot either. They did all right for their first crack at it. This conversation contained three typical responses to John’s first nega tive remark: Evelyn’s, a positive one; Jims, clearly negative; and Helen’s, a balanced criticism. The positive re sponse gave the speaker agreement and had the force of saying, â€Å"I stand with you; your opinion fits in; you be long.†Hence it satisfied John’s desire to be accepted.* The negative response gave him disagreement and had the force of saying, â€Å"You stand alone; I do not accept your opinion (which in this instance stands for you); hence I reject you.†This response did not fulfil John’s desire for accepta nce. In effect, it did just the reverse, and he involuntarily responded to it with an other negative comment that implied rejection toward Jim. Helen’s answer contained agree ment and also additional truth; it is a balanced criticism and helped John to modify his opinion. In effect, Helen’s comment says, â€Å"I accept your opin- ion; hence I accept you; and I add this point of view to complete the pic ture.†John’s desire for acceptance was satisfied, and he immediately was able to return acceptance to Helen’s additional point of view. Then he re vised his previously expressed criti cism by saying that, although the Juniors were amateurish, they did pretty well, considering. When Under Secretary of War Pat terson recently visited the technical training center at Willow Run, the supervisor of training classes said to him, within the hearing of a certain instructor, â€Å"I’d like to have you see what’s going on here, General.†The instructor was then introduced to the official from Washington and, when the latter asked, â€Å"What does go on here?†the supervisor turned to the in structor and said, â€Å"You tell him about it.†Mr. Patterson spent the next half hour keenly interested in everything the instructor had to say. The entire incident appealed to the instructor’s desire to excel, though he may not have been aware of the fact. The su pervisor implicitly praised him by leading a distinguished person to his department; this was as much as to say, â€Å"I think this man is doing out standing work.†Giving him an intro duction to the Under Secretary of War was gratifying; then telling him to do the explaining provided him with an other opportunity to assert himself in a field in which he excelled. The Gen eral, in showing interest and remain ing so long, was positive also because his action, like that of the supervisor, satisfied the instructors desire to ex cel. The effect of these satisfactions was to intensify the instructor’s inter est in self-attainment through greater service for the men who had approved of him. Positive behavior thus takes into account the other fellow’s desires and enhances his realization of them. Be coming sensitive to other people’s wants and gaining ability to respond positively to them are, however, far more difficult than listing illustrations in an article. Indeed, this is the life long task in human relations, for which an attitude of affection or un selfishness must be laid down as the foundation. Many persons do not possess either this attitude or the tech niques of positive behavior as uncon scious habit patterns. Though it is possible to develop these patterns even after maturity is reached, it takes time and constant, conscious effort. Ideally these things are learned in in fancy from parents, brothers, and sisters and are then developed further through education. EFFECTIVENESS OF POSITIVE BEHAVIOR When education everywhere recog nizes the importance of human rela tions, more people will be familiar not only with the positive techniques that make for happiness but also with the reasons why they do. Why is it that sarcasm, faultfinding, and negation tend to stimulate people to inappro priate responses and that understand ing, approval, agreement, balanced criticism, etc., stimulate people to socially appropriate responses? In the past we have rested with such ex planations as â€Å"Give a dog a bad name, and he’ll live up to it,†but this and similar sayings arc not explana tions at all. Positive stimulation is effective in influencing the respondent’s behavior because it either helps him to continue in, or improve upon, present activities or releases him from activities not sought by the stimulator. By referring to the first illustration given above, we can readily see that, when John’s desires were satisfied, he did not re assert his faultfinding op inion about the players. He may have been a little jealous of the Junior play cast; per haps he felt inferior about his own ability in comparison with theirs; or several factors may have motivated his destructive criticism. When his criticism was accepted by Helen, he was able to think more clearly and take other factors into account. He then became positive. Helen’s positive behavior stimulated him to a positive response because it released him from whatever his primary desires were and enabled him to consider Helen’s desire, namely, to evaluate the performance in terms of the play ers’ inexperience. Science/Religion Definition Of Religion And Defense Definition Of Reli EssaySuch would be the case, for example, if one were to agree with a person who is destroying anothers reputation or if one were to approve of criminal actions. The approval would be positive insofar as it tended to satisfy the wants of the antisocial person, but the approval itself would also be antisocial. Here is the one exception in which positive behavior is socially detrimental and in which negative behaviorâ€â€disapproval, dis agreement, rejectionâ€â€is definitely in dicated. Positive behavior, then, is that which recognizes the wants of another person and tends to satisfy them. It is effective in human relations be- cause it either helps the person to continue in, or to improve on, present activities or releases him from purely personal desires. We shall see how complex the practice of positive tech niques may become. wants and enables him to shift to more socially appropriate behavior, its stim ulus value could be positive. The second exception involves an irate customer or client in the act of abusing an executive. More often than not, an attitude of acceptance and quiet listening (both, obviously, positive reactions) will be effective. After a few minutes of abuse the angry one becomes more self-con tained; his desire to punish the ex ecutive wanes; and he can begin to reason. There arc instances, however, when the irate person only becomes more irate as the manager against whom he is leveling his hostility con tinues to control himself and listens with an attitude of acceptance. A high-school principal once en countered such a person and noticed that, instead of helping the parent get things off his chest, he was actually making the parent more disturbed. He then reversed his technique and for a brief moment put on a scene, made a few caustic remarks, and, to all appearances, lost control of his temper, too. The parent was sur prised; he stood wide-eyed, open mouthed, staring at the principal. Then, at the first opportunity, he seized on an overstatement of the principal, and the following conversation took place. Then the principal went on to admit that he had lost his temper; it was easy after that to be positive in re sponse and to admit the same error. The next thought was a constructive one, back to the problem: â€Å"I want that kid of mine to graduate, and I don’t know what to do with him.†The apparently negative behavior of the principal had a positive stimu lus value for the parent because it gave him a bit of punishment, which he unc onsciously craved in return for his own conduct, and it also removed his feeling of inferiority in relation to one who had been perfectly self-con trollcd. Before this man could begin to think constructively about his problem, he needed the punishment as well as a common ground for dis cussion. In supplying these needs, the principal was really positive, al though his actions seemed to be the reverse. As a matter of fact, all his previous conductâ€â€listening, practic ing self-control, and showing a will ingness to hear the man’s storyâ€â€was negative in its effect, for it heightened the man’s frustrations. None of the parents wants was being fulfilled un til the principal became angry. Posi tive behavior is thus positive in terms of its stimulus value for the recipient, and there are occasions when appar ently negative and antisocial conduct is positive. Also listed among the difficulties met when positive techniques arc used is the apparently negative in fluence that such techniques have on children who take them as unwelcome solicitations for their friendship. In stead of responding in like manner to friendliness and courtesy, they dis regard or actually the kindness extended to them. From previous discussion it will be evident that positive behavior is not satisfying to these pupils. They have no desire to develop a friendship with the teacher. Therefore they do not respond with positive reactions. They want to be left alone. In these instances, again, behavior that seems to be negative has a positive value, while behavior that appears to be positive has a negative value for the recipient. Frequently children who are left to themselves eventually make overtures of friend ship to those who leave them alone. Then for the teacher to respond in like manner would be positive in its stimulus value as well as in its obvious content.CONCLUSION It may be felt that undue emphasis has been given to wishy-washy con- ductâ€â€agreeing, approving, helping, understanding, forgiving, and so forthâ€â€and that positive behavior as outlined here, if logically carried to its conclusion (excepting positive stimulation in antisocial instances), would lead to a â€Å"door-mat society†in which everyone fawned on everyone else. Although there seems to the writer little indication that such a difficulty would rise to catastrophic dimensions in Western civilization, it will be admitted that each person has the duty of developing his own abili ties to their utmost in the direction of service and that pursuing this duty will involve frequent compromise be tween consideration for others and consideration for one’s own desires. This is a problem unique for each in dividual, to be worked out in the area somewhere between total selfishness and total self-abnegation. We cannot say (for our society has not tried it on a big scale or over any considerable length of time) that a consistent pattern of positive be havior would interfere with self development. Certain kinds of com petition might be modifiedâ€â€competi tion for material gain, perhaps. This type of competition might then con ceivably be replaced by competition for serviceâ€â€a basic cultural aim in which positive conduct would have more c ongenial soil. Even so, every individual would have to choose at times whether to pursue his own de sires or to deny them in favor of another’s. Life will never relieve us from making choices.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
My description of what the user needs Essay Example
My description of what the user needs Essay My user keeps the scores at an athletics championship. At this point of time the scores are kept on paper this can be a problem because the paper can be easily lost and damaged, it is difficult to make back up copies because of it been on paper. This also results in calculating manually, so this slow down the process and may result with inaccurate information. What I am going to do about this is replace this system with an electronic one where all the function/calculations will be taken place on a PC or a lap-top. This piece of hardware will need to be able to run excel 2000 or any other excel preferable a later version. Also it will need to have the capacity to save and back up these system files I create. Furthermore it will need a printer to print out graphs of the information that is created. There is a need to print out graphs because information is easier to comprehend and the graphic presentation will make a quick analysis easier for the coaches and the organisers of the championship. As the user might not have a lot of knowledge of ICT I will create a user guide to help them through the process of scoring using this system. The user is going to need a keyboard, monitor and a processing unit in addition to the storage devices. The skills I will need to use and what research I will need to do? I have already got data from a previous project, I created that is needed but I will need to find out on how to link sheets together, how to create macros, how to validate data in a spreadsheet and how to create macros for buttons to work. I will need to use Excel 2000 and Word 2000 to create the user guide, and the machines at my collage which are networked. We will write a custom essay sample on My description of what the user needs specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on My description of what the user needs specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on My description of what the user needs specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Task What I have to do Due date Deadline met? 1 Write project proposal 21.4.07 Yes 2 Agree proposal with teacher 21.4.07 Yes 3 Draw up plan of spreadsheet, including formulas and functions 22.04.07 Yes( had to re-draft) 4. Research how to do macros 23.04.07 Yes(printed out the instructions form Excel Help) 5. Set up grids, formatted cells, amended row heights and widths. Also formatted the data type. 25.04.07 Yes 6. Created the graphs on a new sheet 28.04.07 Yes this was straightforward as I had done it before. 7. Created an interface page 26.04.07 Yes- this was easy. 8. Format the input sheet to hide cells I do not want the user to access. 27.04.07 Yes this was easy. 9. Carry out tests on all aspects of spreadsheet 28.04.07 Yes 10 Do revisions following on from test sheet 28.04.07 Yes 11. Ask other users for their views on the system 29.04.07/30.04.07 Yes 12. Revise system in the light of users views 1.05.07 Yes I asked my mum, my teacher and two of my fiends in the same class. 13. Evaluate system 3.05.07 Yes The timetable for me to complete each of the tasks: Task Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Project proposal Research the skills needed Make action plan Design system on paper Make the system Test the system Amend the system Evaluate the system The information will I need to collect and where will I find it? I am going to need to find out: o The names of the teams in the championship o The name of the events thats been held o The records for each of the events o The scores awarded for each place o I will need to find out how to do technical things like macros Things that I may use to help me: o Textbooks o Online tutorials in Excel o The help function in Excel The resources (people, document, Hardware and Software) I will use: I will be using the schools PCs on the network in the collage and save my work into my user area, I will also do back up copies on my memory stick which I will keep in a safe place. I will need a spreadsheet package (Excel) and a word processing package (Word) to produce my spreadsheet, the report and the user guide. I will ask my teacher about things I get stuck on and also the Help function and on-line tutorials for Excel. How I set up my the spreadsheet Row Height and Column Width Function needed for the spreadsheet: For the Input sheet I have a grid called position grid which reads the team names in the Results grid and calculates which position each team achieved in that event. You will be doing this by using the function =MATCH(Team Name, Row of Result Grid, 0) On the input sheet I have a grid called the Total grid which reads the position of each event and looks up how many points each event team scored and places them in the grid using a VLOOKUP function. You type in =VLOOKUP(Position in Event, Points Grid, 2) I have set up an IF function in the Results grid to show if a record has been broken in that event. You will indicate if records have been broken alongside each event in each Results Grid by using the function: =IF(First Place Time;Event Record,New Record,) For the Totals grid I have used a SUM function to total up the scores for each team. You can use cell formats to determine what data will be entered into the cell. The cells I have used in my spreadsheet have text in them, so I have used text format for the cells that have numbers in them I have used number format. (shown above) Cell references I used cell referencing in my spreadsheet to refer to other grids. E.g. I have referenced cells in the results grid from the positions grid. A cell is referenced by its column letter and row number co-ordinates e.g. B13 maybe easier to just fill in data by using the fill option in the edits menu. By doing this it will automatically increments the cell reference number. To get around this I had to use absolute cell referencing where I told the spreadsheet to look at a specific place that would not change. Formulas and Functions that I used The function to calculate new records: New Rec? =IF(C5;B14,Yes,No) =IF(C6;B15,Yes,No) =IF(C7;B16,Yes,No) =IF(C8;B17,Yes,No) =IF(C9;B18,Yes,No) The VLOOKUP to calculate the scores and SUM to calculate the final overall score: Event North 100m =VLOOKUP(H14,$D$14:$E$17,2) 200m =VLOOKUP(H15,$D$14:$E$17,2) 400m =VLOOKUP(H16,$D$14:$E$17,2) 800m =VLOOKUP(H17,$D$14:$E$17,2) 1500m =VLOOKUP(H18,$D$14:$E$17,2) TOTAL =E23+E24+E25+E26+E27 The MATCH function to calculate position of each team in each race North =MATCH(North,E5:H5,0) =MATCH(North,E6:H6,0) =MATCH(North,E7:H7,0) =MATCH(North,E8:H8,0) =MATCH(North,E9:H9,0) How to find data in the spreadsheet Graphs I chose to generate and why I chose them The reason why I chose to use a bar chart was because its an easy way to compare the results also its easy to read and understand them. Why I chose this line graph, was because its a good way to show the progress of each of the teams/ area. The background is striking and the information is clear to read. Consequently it might have been more accurate but not easy to read quickly by the scorer. For my system graph I will choose a variation of the bar chart used in the first graph. What ifQueries In this exercise I am going to change the scores of the points for the Athletic Championship. My prediction is that the final scores are going to change and it will be more competitive with all the teams and will have closer results. The screen dumb, of my spreadsheet before I changed the scores is shown below. If you look at the spreadsheet you can see that South won the championship. In the screen shot below you can see that the competition was much harder and that the results were much closer as I predicted. This was because I changed the Points Grid (shown on the table below) from 12, 9, 5, 1 to 5, 4, 3, and 2. How I ensured that my work was safe I have saved all my original files in my user area under Unit 4 folder in the schools network system (shown above). I saved my files on to my memory stick as my back up copy (shown above) How I created the interface First of all I renamed the three sheets in my workbook as Input, Interface and Graph. I then highlighted the whole Interface sheet by going in between the blank cell of A and 1 and went to Format- Cells- Patterns and chose a pale colour and clicked OK. Then I went to cell B2 and holding the mouse button down highlighted all the cells from B2 to F3. Next I went to the merge cells button (shown below) in the toolbar and clicked it. Merge cells button I then highlighted the same area and formatted it a different colour. In cell B4 I typed the words Type the name of the event in the box above. So the event organiser can type in the name of the event. Next I highlighted cells I2 to K3 and changed the colour to white. I merged the cells and typed this formula into the cell: =TODAY(). That is equals, TODAY, open brackets, close brackets. It will then automatically enter the days date. This is how the spreadsheet looked I then had to insert some buttons on the interface that will carry out actions on the spreadsheet. Firstly I needed the Forms toolbar to be showing. I Right clicked on any toolbar in Excel at the top of the window, a list of toolbars showed up then I clicked on Forms. I then clicked the button icon on the Forms Toolbar it looked like this: I then Drew a button (shown below). When I finished drawing the button a macro window opened up called Assign Macro. I clicked on the Record button and this window opened up I clicked OK. A small widow opened up (shown below) to let me record the macro. Now everything I did was recorded. The action I wanted to record was to switch to the Input sheet so I clicked on the Input tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet and the icon appeared in the input page. I clicked on the stop button to stop the macro recording. I then did the same and created another button for the graph that printed a graph of the results and the spreadsheet looked like this (shown below). I right clicked on the buttons and edited the text to show the user what buttons to what. How I created drop down boxes to help validate data input In my spreadsheet I went to the cell E5 in the Results Grid then I went to the Data menu located near the top of the window and scrolled down to Validation and clicked on it, then I went to the settings tap like (shown below). When the window opened up I went to Allow: and pressed on the drop down box and scrolled down to Lists. When I clicked on List I had to type in the Source shown below and I then typed in the =H13:K13 Then clicked on the icon next to it and another window opened up and I just pressed on the icon similar to the one shown below and then clicked OK and my drop down box was created. How my drop down box looked like I then repeated this exercise completing all the cells from E5 to H9 which is 20 cells that all had drop down boxes. (This is a range that contains all the names of the teams) Testing my system Test Predicted result Actual result Any changes made Yes/No 1.Open up spreadsheet Spreadsheet should be in folder and I would be able to find it. Spreadsheet was in the correct folder. No 2.Insert name of event in interface sheet Name could be typed and saved. Merged cell accepted the text entry. No 3.Insert date on interface sheet By clicking on this cell the date would enter automatically. Date entered as predicted. No 4.Input sheet button By clicking on Input sheet button the macro would take the user to the input sheet. Button took the user to the Input sheet. No 5.Graph button By clicking on graph sheet a graph would be printed. Button printed out an A4 copy of the graph of results. No 6.Spinner buttons Using spinner button would enter a result of a race. All spinner buttons worked. No 7.Usability test for novice user User would be able follow user guide and operate system without any problems. User could follow the user guide and operated system without difficulty. No User guide Step 1- Turn the computer and printer ON (make sure printer is connected to the computer so it is able to print). 2- After the machine has booted up and you have logged on go to the Start button and choose Excel from the programmes list. 3- Insert memory stick with system on it. 4- In Excel go File- Open and go to the Look in box choose the drive that has the system work on it and click on the file to open it. 5- Insert the name of the event where it prompts you on the Interface sheet. 6- The date will be entered automatically. 7- When you are ready to enter the results click on the Input button and this will take you to the Input page. 8- On the Input page use the drop down boxes to record the positions of the teams in each race. 9- In the Win name of the Results grid you should record the Winner of the race. 10- In the Win time column you should record the winning time of the race. In the New record? column it will tell you if a new record for that event has been created. 11- Do not enter data into any other cells all the calculations are done for you and the final results of the championship are recorded in the bottom line of the Total grid. 12- To return to the Interface page click on the return to interface button at the bottom of the page. 13- To print the graph, of the position of each team in each race and the final score click on the print graph button. 14- Ensure you save your work regularly by clicking on the Save icon in the Standard toolbar or by going to File and then Save. 15- When you have finished ensure that you save the file again and then close it, then close the program and turn the power off, on the machine. Evaluation For the athletic champion spreadsheet which calculated an automatic score, I created graphs, save backup copies and made validation checks. With a little help I completed the spreadsheet. I also had to create an interface to make the working of the system easier for a novice to follow. This was hard at first but I then got the hang of it, because by doing one macro gave me confidence to do others. Some new things I learnt were how to create a spreadsheet, as I had never done such a complicated one before. The hardest thing to do and understand was the teaching because we went through the project very quickly because we had to do it in a certain amount of time. The easiest thing was screen dumping, although it had to be re-formatted so that the screen dumps could be kept in the place I wanted it. The macros were a new thing for me and I had to have a few goes to make them work. Doing one macro meant I got the hang of it and the others were much easier. Testing the system was straightforward and I had understood most of the problems that occurred, as I was making the system and in the formal testing. At the end of it all worked out well. The good points of the spreadsheet are doing the formulas, I had trouble with the MATCH formula and had to insert it several times into the cells to make it work but the others worked fine. If I did this project again with more time, I would put a password on the file to protect it and may also use hidden files. I will then lock out the user from the formulas so they cant change them. Furthermore I would make it easier for the user to use the spreadsheet by producing a more illustrated/ simpler user manual. Other ideas I had would be to give a choice of graphs to the user and perhaps print out individual team scores from a new grid I would have created.
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